Aaron Pang

The one and only

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Building iWant - One Tap Discovery


Things have been pretty busy coming back to school. After meeting some fellow interns with my tenure in San Francisco, I agreed to help make an app on iOS for a few of them. This app already existed on the Android Play Store and was an outcome for their stint at “LA Hacks”. You can download it here:


You can also download the iOS App Here


For now here is the Open Sourced Github Repo

The creation of the app itself was a learning experience for me. In this blog post I will try my best to share my knowledge and walk through step-by-step on how I made the app and what troubles I experienced (and if you can avoid it).

Building the Views

The first task I took on was creating each individual view. The original mockup for the app was to have a main...

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Reconstructing The Secret App (Viewing the Secret) in 3 Days

Secret. The new app that lets you share your thoughts anonymously with your friends and people around you. It’s not so much a secret, but more like an anonymous cry for attention. The idea has tons of potential and the user base is quickly growing and although not many will agree that it’s especially useful - I personally think the app is beautifully designed, engineered and really is what the next wave of apps should look like.


For those who don’t know, Secret is an iOS only app (at the time I’m writing this blog post at least) created by David Byttow where users can post anonymously and their friends or people nearby can anonymously comment/like it. The more people that like the post, the more exposed it gets so it kind of acts like a filter for which secret posts are shown on the feed. For example, if I made a post and a lot of my friends liked it, it would be exposed to people in...

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